Domain Reseller Program

Domain Reseller Program


We provide domain reseller program in Bangladesh with a free domain reseller panel. We have experience of 14 years. our domain reseller panel is a fully white label panel. You can purchase all top label domain instantly and you provide a full domain control panel to your client. You can upload instant funds via bkash, rocket, nagod, master card, cellfin, visa card and internet banking, etc.

Domain Reseller Program:

Bdwebs is a top-10 domain reseller company in Bangladesh. If you need friendly support and a trusted company then you can start your business with us. If you need to start your domain reselling business with us then Signup.

Domain Reseller Panel (PDR)


1399 Renew ৳ 1469


1389 Renew ৳ 1459


1369 Renew ৳ 1349


1349 Renew ৳ 1429

Domain Reeller Sign UP Login to Domain Reseller Panel

See all domains TLD Price in domain Reseller Panel > Setting > Manage Product and Price.

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Basic Question & Answer of Domain Reseller

Answer: We have been providing this service with a reputation since 2010.

Answer: We provide the panel of Logic box which is provided by most of the domain resellers in Bangladesh. Numerous domain providers including Resell Biz, Reseller Club use this panel.

Answer: There is no fee for reseller. However, the balance must be loaded at least $12.50 USD each time.

Answer: Of course you will. You will also get all the benefits that we get.

Answer: Yes, the price given on the reseller’s slab will always be the same. You can see the slab system by entering the domain reseller panel.

Answer: If you load funds from our panel through the payment gateway, it will not take even 5 minutes. And if you send it manually, it will take about 60 minutes.

Answer: bKash, Ricketts, Agent Banking, Nexus Pay, Dutch Bangla Bank, BRAC Bank and Cash.

আপনার কি ডোমেইন রিসেলার অ্যাকাউন্ট দরকার?

আপনি কি আপনার রিসেলারের সাপোর্ট নিয়ে বিরক্ত?

রিসেলারের ডোমেইন প্রাইস বেশি, কম প্রাইসে রিসেলার খুজছেন?

আপনি সকালে অর্থ প্রদান করেছেন এবং সন্ধ্যায় ডোমেন তহবিল পাননি।

তহবিল পান কিন্তু ডোমেইন রেজিস্ট্রেশন প্রায়ই হয় না?

তাহলে আপনার প্রয়োজন bdwebs এর সেবা। আমরা আত্মবিশ্বাসের সাথে বলতে পারি যে, উক্ত সমস্যা ফেস করবেন না।

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Member of ID: 1831

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Corporate Office (UK):
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.
Helpline: +4474-90803048

Branch Office (BD):
110, Goalbari, Mirpur-14,
Helpline: 09644-222-333